Transcriptomics and Lipid Metabolomics Analysis of Subcutaneous, Visceral, and Abdominal Adipose Tissues of Beef Cattle

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Du, Lili

作者: Du, Lili;Chang, Tianpeng;An, Bingxing;Liang, Mang;Deng, Tianyu;Li, Keanning;Cao, Sheng;Du, Yueying;Gao, Xue;Xu, Lingyang;Zhang, Lupei;Li, Junya;Gao, Huijiang;Cao, Sheng;Du, Yueying


关键词: transcriptomics; lipid metabolomics; adipose tissue; beef cattle

期刊名称:GENES ( 影响因子:3.5; 五年影响因子:3.9 )


年卷期: 2023 年 14 卷 1 期


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Fat deposition traits are influenced by genetics and environment, which affect meat quality, growth rate, and energy metabolism of domestic animals. However, at present, the molecular mechanism of fat deposition is not entirely understood in beef cattle. Therefore, the current study conducted transcriptomics and lipid metabolomics analysis of subcutaneous, visceral, and abdominal adipose tissue (SAT, VAT, and AAT) of Huaxi cattle to investigate the differences among these adipose tissues and systematically explore how candidate genes interact with metabolites to affect fat deposition. These results demonstrated that compared with SAT, the gene expression patterns and metabolite contents of VAT and AAT were more consistent. Particularly, SCD expression, monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and triglyceride (TG) content were higher in SAT, whereas PCK1 expression and the contents of saturated fatty acid (SFA), diacylglycerol (DG), and lysoglycerophosphocholine (LPC) were higher in VAT. Notably, in contrast to PCK1, 10 candidates including SCD, ELOVL6, ACACA, and FABP7 were identified to affect fat deposition through positively regulating MUFA and TG, and negatively regulating SFA, DG, and LPC. These findings uncovered novel gene resources and offered a theoretical basis for future investigation of fat deposition in beef cattle.


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