Diatomic iron nanozyme with lipoxidase-like activity for efficient inactivation of enveloped virus

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Li, Beibei

作者: Li, Beibei;Zhang, Yu-Xiao;Huang, Helai;Hu, Qikun;Wu, Yanfen;Che, Yizhen;Niu, Zhiqiang;Li, Beibei;Zheng, Xiaobo;Yang, Jiarui;Li, Yadong;Li, Beibei;Ma, Ruonan;Chen, Lei;Zhou, Caiyu;Wang, Xiaonan;Gao, Lizeng;Chen, Lei;Shao, Mengjuan;Qin, Tao;Hao, Pengfei;Li, Chang


期刊名称:NATURE COMMUNICATIONS ( 影响因子:16.6; 五年影响因子:17.0 )


年卷期: 2023 年 14 卷 1 期


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Enveloped viruses encased within a lipid bilayer membrane are highly contagious and can cause many infectious diseases like influenza and COVID-19, thus calling for effective prevention and inactivation strategies. Here, we develop a diatomic iron nanozyme with lipoxidase-like (LOX-like) activity for the inactivation of enveloped virus. The diatomic iron sites can destruct the viral envelope via lipid peroxidation, thus displaying non-specific virucidal property. In contrast, natural LOX exhibits low antiviral performance, manifesting the advantage of nanozyme over the natural enzyme. Theoretical studies suggest that the Fe-O-Fe motif can match well the energy levels of Fe-2 minority beta-spin d orbitals and pentadiene moiety pi* orbitals, and thus significantly lower the activation barrier of cis,cis-1,4-pentadiene moiety in the vesicle membrane. We showcase that the diatomic iron nanozyme can be incorporated into air purifier to disinfect airborne flu virus. The present strategy promises a future application in comprehensive biosecurity control. Enveloped viruses encased within a lipid bilayer membrane are highly contagious and cause diseases like influenza and COVID-19, so strategies for their prevention and inactivation are needed. Here, the authors develop a diatomic iron nanozyme with lipoxidase-like activity for the inactivation of enveloped viruses, where the diatomic iron sites destroy the viral envelope via lipid peroxidation.


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