Improving crop-livestock integration in China using numerical experiments at catchment and regional scales

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Chen, Lei

作者: Chen, Lei;Wang, Yiwen;Yang, Nian;Zhu, Kaihang;Yan, Xiaoman;Shen, Zhenyao;Bai, Zhaohai;Zhai, Limei


关键词: Agriculture; Crop -livestock integration; Fertilizer; Crop yield; Nonpoint source pollution

期刊名称:AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT ( 影响因子:6.576; 五年影响因子:7.088 )

ISSN: 0167-8809

年卷期: 2023 年 341 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Balancing water quality and food production is a global challenge due to complex nutrient cycle and previous soil accumulation. This study investigated crop-livestock integration from watershed perspective, while agricultural and environmental benefits of fertilizer and manure application were quantified through numerical experiments at two spatial scales. The optimal ratio of replacing chemical fertilizer with manure was found at the watershed scale and the spatial configuration of crop-livestock integration at large scale was suggested. Results showed that the period of basic fertilizer was more beneficial to crop yield and the effects of replacing chemical fertilizer with manure on water quality were prominent. Numerical simulation showed that specific threshold existed to balance water quality protection and agricultural production from watershed perspective. Then, by extending the threshold to regional scale, spatially explicit crop-livestock integration could be found. This study balances agriculture production and environment protection, and provides a theoretical basis for the development of croplivestock integration.


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