Effects of alternating electric field assisted freezing-thawing-aging sequence on longissimus dorsi muscle microstructure and protein characteristics

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Wu, Guangyu

作者: Wu, Guangyu;Yang, Chuan;Li, Xia;Zhang, Chunhui;Wu, Guangyu;Bruce, Heather L.;Roy, Bimol C.


关键词: Alternating electric field; Freezing -thawing -aging; Muscle microstructure; Protein characteristics

期刊名称:FOOD CHEMISTRY ( 影响因子:8.8; 五年影响因子:8.6 )

ISSN: 0308-8146

年卷期: 2023 年 409 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: The current study investigates the influence of alternating electric field (AEF)-assisted freezing-thawing-aging sequence on the muscle microstructure and myofibrillar protein characteristics. Three treatments were used for longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle: only aging (OA), freezing-thawing-aging sequence (FA) and AEF-assisted freezing-thawing-aging sequence (EA). Compared with the FA and EA groups, the OA group showed consider-ably fewer cracks between muscle fibers and maintained the integrity of the Z-line as observed using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, respectively. Furthermore, the EA treatment effectively decreased myofibrillar fragmentation, myofibrillar protein aggregation, and protein oxidation, as shown by the myofibrillar fragmentation index, turbidity, and total sulfhydryl concentration. Analysis of surface hydrophobicity and the Fourier transform infrared, UV absorption, and fluorescence spectrums indicated that AEF minimized the al-terations of protein secondary and tertiary structure alterations during aging after freezing.


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