Specific colorimetric detection of methylmercury based on peroxidase-like activity regulation of carbon dots/Au NPs nanozyme

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Li, Qiulan

作者: Li, Qiulan;Li, Hong;Li, Kexiang;Gu, Yi;Wang, Yijie;Yang, Dezhi;Yang, Yaling;Yang, Dezhi;Li, Hong;Gao, Lei


关键词: Methylmercury; Nanozyme; Gold amalgamation; Peroxidase-like activity; Colorimetric

期刊名称:JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ( 影响因子:14.224; 五年影响因子:12.984 )

ISSN: 0304-3894

年卷期: 2023 年 441 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Methylmercury (MeHg+) is one of the common organic species of mercury, and has much higher toxicity than inorganic mercury. Based on the selective enhancement of the activity of nanozyme (NA-CDs/AuNPs) by MeHg+, a novel colorimetric nanoprobe for MeHg+ assay is proposed. The noradrenaline-based carbon dots (NA-CDs) as the reducing agent was applied to prepare the NA-CDs/AuNPs. The formation of gold amalgamation (Au@HgNPs) between nanozyme and MeHg+ allows to simultaneously accelerate the electron transfer from Au and Hg to NA-CDs and the generation of radicals (i.e. center dot OH, center dot O2- and center dot CH3). The NA-CDs/AuNPs has an outstanding anti-interference performance even in the presence of different mercury. Further density functionality theory (DFT) calculations revealed that the formation of Au@HgNPs via MeHg+ contributes to the significantly lowered activation energy, resulting in the peroxidase-like activity generation and acceleration. This leads to rapid (10 min) and specific colorimetric detection of MeHg(+ )with the detection limit of 0.06 mu g L-1. This introduces a novel method for simple and sensitive detection of MeHg+, giving a new horizon for the assay of organometallic compounds.


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