The positive effects of Camellia oleifera oil on lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Liu, Li

作者: Liu, Li;Zhou, Jiasi;Kong, Qingbo;Zhang, Jie;Wang, Heng;Xiang, Zhuoya;Chen, Tao;Zhou, Lijun;Feng, Shiling;Yang, Hongyu;Huang, Yan;Ding, Chunbang;Xu, Zhou;Xiang, Zhuoya


关键词: Camellia oleifera oil; Caenorhabditis elegans; Lifespan; Transcriptomics; Metabolomics

期刊名称:JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS ( 影响因子:5.6; 五年影响因子:5.3 )

ISSN: 1756-4646

年卷期: 2023 年 110 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Aging is a major international concern that brings formidable socioeconomic and healthcare challenges. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the positive effect of Camellia oleifera oil (CO) on the lifespan of C. elegans through transcriptome and metabolome analysis. The results demonstrated that CO direct significantly increased the lifespan and mean lifespan to 25.00 and 18.43 d, respectively, compared to the control group (15.95 d). Moreover, CO supplementation significantly improved the healthspan of C. elegans. Additionally, CO altered the transcription levels of genes involved in longevity regulating pathway and activated stress resistance pathway and influenced the levels of metabolic biomarkers related to galactose metabolism. Additionally, CO significantly reduced the content of ROS and MDA in C. elegans by 21.54% and 42.40%, respectively. Together, the study highlights the potential of CO in promoting lifespan and improving the health status, which shall facilitate its further development in the food and pharmaceutical industries.


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