Effect of pelleted alfalfa or native grass total mixed ration on the rumen bacterial community and growth performance of lambs on the Mongolian Plateau

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Zhou, Y. L.

作者: Zhou, Y. L.;Li, Y. C.;Chen, J. X.;Zhao, B.;Qian, C.;Li, B.;Liu, M.;Sun, L.;Cheng, Q. M.;Yu, H. R.;Wang, X. L.;Jia, Y. S.;Du, S.


关键词: Pelleted diet; Alfalfa; Native grass; Rumen; Microbiota

期刊名称:SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH ( 影响因子:1.893; 五年影响因子:1.942 )

ISSN: 0921-4488

年卷期: 2022 年 207 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of alfalfa and native grass total mixed ration (TMR) on the rumen bacterial community and growth performance. Thirty Ujimqin lambs were used in this experiment and received pelleted alfalfa (40 %) and native grass (40 %) TMR. Lambs were fed their respective diets for 50 days for data and samples collection. The diversity of rumen microbiota in the alfalfa group was higher than that in the native grass group, which was significantly influenced by feed type. Compared to the alfalfa group, the abundance of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes was significantly (p < 0.05) higher and lower, respectively. The rumen microbiota was mainly composed of the genera Prevotella 1, Rikenellaceae RC9 gut group, F082 unclassified, Prevotella 7 and Muribaculaceae unclassified. The abundance of Prevotella 7 was significantly (p < 0.05) increased in the alfalfa group and the abundance of Rikenellaceae RC9 gut group was significantly (p < 0.05) increased in the native grass group. In addition, the intake of the alfalfa group was significantly (p < 0.05) higher different than that in the native grass group, while no significant (p > 0.05) difference was observed on final body weight and average daily gain. This study depicted a comprehensive view of rumen microbiota differences of lamb fed alfalfa and native grass TMR. The results revealed the unique microbiota in the rumen of lamb in different feed types. The information obtained in this study is vital for the further development of strategies to manipulate rumen microbiota in lamb fed with different feed types for better growth in the harsh Mongolian Plateau ecosystem.


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