High-Quality Genome Resource of Gilbertella persicaria Causing Peach Soft Rot

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Wang, Youyu

作者: Wang, Youyu;Xu, Bo;Fang, Lemin;Jiang, Zhenghua;Tang, Xiaomei;Liu, Lun;Liu, Pu;Jia, Bing;Zeng, Wenfang


关键词: Gilbertella persicaria; peach soft rot; whole genome sequence

期刊名称:PLANT DISEASE ( 影响因子:4.5; 五年影响因子:5.0 )

ISSN: 0191-2917

年卷期: 2023 年 107 卷 3 期


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Peach soft rot caused by Gilbertella persicaria is an economically important disease. Here, we report a high-quality complete and annotated genome sequence of G. persicaria strain TFLB-J, isolated from peach fruit in Yuanyang county of Henan Province, China. The assembly consists of 91 scaffolds with an estimated genome size of 33.59 Mb and N-50 length of 0.92 Mb, encoding 13,296 predicted protein-coding genes. The whole-genome sequence could provide gene resources for further study of pathogenic effectors and comparative genomics of peach soft rot pathogens.


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