N-doped carbon quantum dots enhance anaerobic digestion under light condition: The performances and potential mechanisms

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Liu, Qiang

作者: Liu, Qiang;Chen, Shuo;Zhang, Haoyu;Zhou, Hongjun;Li, Yeqing;Feng, Lu;Pan, Junting;Xu, Chunming


关键词: Photo-anaerobic digestion; N-doped carbon quantum dots; Microbial community; Methanogenesis; Quantitative PCR

期刊名称:CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL ( 影响因子:15.1; 五年影响因子:14.3 )

ISSN: 1385-8947

年卷期: 2023 年 475 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: The treatment of organic waste (OW) by anaerobic digestion (AD) conforms to the concept of sustainable development. But AD is facing the issue of low conversion rate. In this work, the photo-AD system using visible light (LED lamp) as the source was constructed and the performances and mechanism of N-doped carbon quantum dots (NCQD) were explored in the system for the first time. The results showed that 0.5 g/L NCQD promoted a 23.1 % increase in cumulative CH4 yield in the photo-AD system. Microbial analysis results showed that in photo-AD with NCQD, the dominant strain was Methanosarciniales, with an abundance of 69.0 %. Microbial activity and structural integrity tests showed that the microorganisms were not damaged by free radicals. In addition, NCQD increased the redox peak intensity of the CV curve and increased photocurrent intensity of photo-AD. Furthermore, it promoted an increase of 18.2 % (0.26 +/- 0.03 mu mol/mL) in ATP concentration. The photoelectrochemical analysis and quantitative analysis of functional genes results indicated that NCQD mainly promoted methanogenesis by providing photoelectrons. This promotion mechanism increased the copynumber (61,652.8 g-1) of EchA in photo-AD, rather than Vht and Hdr related to cytochrome. This work provided new strategies for the enhancement of AD and clarified potential mechanisms.


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