Response of the Pardosa astrigera bacterial community to Cry1B protein

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Liu, Weijiao

作者: Liu, Weijiao;Yan, Mengjie;Zhu, Xiangzhen;Wang, Li;Zhang, Kaixin;Li, Dongyang;Ji, Jichao;Gao, Xueke;Luo, Junyu;Cui, Jinjie;Liu, Weijiao;Nasir, Muhammad;Yan, Mengjie;Zhu, Xiangzhen;Iqbal, Muhammad Shahid;Wang, Li;Zhang, Kaixin;Li, Dongyang;Ji, Jichao;Gao, Xueke;Luo, Junyu;Cui, Jinjie;Liu, Weijiao;Yan, Mengjie;Zhu, Xiangzhen;Wang, Li;Zhang, Kaixin;Li, Dongyang;Ji, Jichao;Gao, Xueke;Luo, Junyu;Cui, Jinjie;Nasir, Muhammad;Iqbal, Muhammad Shahid;Gao, Xueke;Luo, Junyu;Cui, Jinjie


关键词: Cry1B protein; 16S rRNA; Symbiotic bacteria; Fitness


ISSN: 0147-6513

年卷期: 2023 年 256 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: While genetically modified (GM) crops bring economic benefits to human beings, their impact on non-target organisms has become an important part of environmental safety assessments. Symbiotic bacteria play an important role in eukaryotic biological functions and can adjust host communities to adapt to new environments. Therefore, this study examined the effects of Cry1B protein on the growth and development of non-target natural enemies of Pardosa astrigera (L. Koch) from the perspective of symbiotic bacteria. Cry1B protein had no signif-icant effect on the health indicators of P. astrigera (adults and 2nd instar spiderlings). 16S rRNA sequencing results revealed that Cry1B protein did not change the symbiotic bacteria species composition of P. astrigera, but did reduce the number of OTU and species diversity. In 2nd instar spiderlings, neither the dominant phylum (Proteobacteria) nor the dominant genus (Acinetobacter) changed, but the relative abundance of Corynebacterium-1 decreased significantly; in adult spiders, the dominant bacteria genera of females and males were different. The dominant bacterial genera were Brevibacterium in females and Corynebacterium-1 in males, but Corynebacterium-1 was the dominant bacteria in both females and males feeding on Cry1B. The relative abundance of Wolbachia also increased significantly. In addition, bacteria in other genera varied significantly by sex. KEGG results showed that Cry1B protein only altered the significant enrichment of metabolic pathways in female spiders. In conclu-sion, the effects of Cry1B protein on symbiotic bacteria vary by growth and development stage and sex.


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