Evaluation of lignin inhibition in anaerobic digestion from the perspective of reducing the hydrolysis rate of holocellulose

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Li, Pengfei

作者: Li, Pengfei;Pei, Zhanjiang;Liu, Jie;Li, Pengfei;Pei, Zhanjiang;Shi, Fengmei;Wang, Su;Yu, Qiuyue;Liu, Jie;Liu, Di;Chen, Lei;Zhao, Lixin;Yao, Zonglu;Li, Wenzhe;Sun, Yong


关键词: Anaerobic digestion; Lignin inhibition; Hydrolysis rate; Anaerobic Digestion Model No; 1

期刊名称:BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY ( 影响因子:9.642; 五年影响因子:9.237 )

ISSN: 0960-8524

年卷期: 2021 年 333 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: In this study, Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) were modified to simulate anaerobic digestion (AD) process of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and five lignocellulosic substrates, with the goal of predicting the hydrolysis rates of holocellulose fractions in environments with and without lignin inhibition. After model verification, the hydrolysis rate constant of MCC, i.e., the hydrolyzability of cellulose without lignin inhibition, was 3.227 d-1, while those of the holocellulose fractions of five lignocellulosic substrates (I_khyd) were in the range of 1.270 d-1 to 3.364 d-1 (average of 2.242 d-1), which demonstrated remarkable suppression of holocellulose hydrolysis by lignin. Lignin inhibition index (LII) was proposed as an indicator to intuitively quantify and characterize the lignin inhibitory strength in a specific substrate. A series of factors with the potential to affect the LII were analyzed sequentially. This study provides an advanced understanding of the participation and behavior of lignin in the AD process.


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