A transcriptional complex of FtMYB102 and FtbHLH4 coordinately regulates the accumulation of rutin in Fagopyrum tataricum

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Mi, Yaolei

作者: Mi, Yaolei;Zhang, Dong;Mi, Yaolei;Li, Yu;Qian, Guangtao;Meng, Xiangxiao;Liu, Tingxia;Yang, Wei;Shi, Yuhua;Chen, Shilin;Sun, Wei;Li, Yu;Vanhaelewyn, Lucas;Vanhaelewyn, Lucas;Ma, Pengda;Tul-Wahab, Atia;Viczian, Andras


关键词: Tartary buckwheat ( Fagopyrum tataricum ); Secondary metabolism; Rutin; Transcription factors; Transcriptional regulation; Medicinal plants

期刊名称:PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY ( 影响因子:6.5; 五年影响因子:6.4 )

ISSN: 0981-9428

年卷期: 2023 年 194 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Tartary buckwheat is rich in flavonoids, which not only play an important role in the plant-environment interaction, but are also beneficial to human health. Rutin is a therapeutic flavonol which is massively accumulated in Tartary buckwheat. It has been demonstrated that transcription factors control rutin biosynthesis. However, the transcriptional regulatory network of rutin is not fully clear. In this study, through transcriptome and target metabolomics, we validated the role of FtMYB102 and FtbHLH4 TFs at the different developmental stages of Tartary buckwheat. The elevated accumulation of rutin in the sprout appears to be closely associated with the expression of FtMYB102 and FtbHLH4. Yeast two-hybrid, transient luciferase activity and coimmunoprecipitation demonstrated that FtMYB102 and FtbHLH4 can interact and form a transcriptional complex. Moreover, yeast one-hybrid showed that both FtMYB102 and FtbHLH4 directly bind to the promoter of chalcone isomerase (CHI), and they can coordinately induce CHI expression as shown by transient luciferase activity assay. Finally, we transferred FtMYB102 and FtbHLH4 into the hairy roots of Tartary buckwheat and found that they both can promote the accumulation of rutin. Our results indicate that FtMYB102 and FtbHLH4 can form a transcriptional complex by inducing CHI expression to coordinately promote the accumulation of rutin.


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