Construction of Rice OsRSR1 Gene Interference Vector and the Gene Expression of Enzymes Involved in Endosperm Starch Synthesis

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Jin Zheng-xun

作者: Jin Zheng-xun;Sun Tao;Wang Hai-wei;Zhao Shu-yu;Qu Yue;Zhu Lin;He Shen-yu;Zhang Zhong-chen;Liu Hai-ying;Liu Hai-ying


关键词: Rice; OsRSR1 gene; RNA interference vector; Starch synthesis; Amylose and total starch


ISSN: 1560-8530

年卷期: 2018 年 20 卷 11 期


收录情况: SCI

摘要: This study was conducted to explore the method of rapidly constructing the OsRSR1 gene interference expression vector pBWA (V) HS-OsRSR1 and analyze the effect of RSR1 gene on the regulation of gene expression in key enzymes of rice starch synthesis. Based on the principle of Golden Gate technology, the OsRSR1-RNAi vector was constructed quickly and transferred into rice through Agrobacterium-mediated method to obtain genetic transformation plants with interference expression. We measured the transcriptional expression quantity of the endosperm OsRSR1 gene and genes of enzymes involved in starch synthesis in the transgenic plants and the wild type control plants at different stages of the grain filling Our results show that the positive conversion rate of the interference expression vector constructed in this experiment was 75%, and the degree of gene interference was about 60%. In the process of grain filling, the transcriptional expression quantity of OsRSRlgene in the wild type control and transgenic plant grains showed a V shaped change trend, and the low point appeared in 20 days after heading However, the transcriptional expression quantity of the key enzyme genes GBSSI, AGPL2, SSI, SBEIIb and ISAI of starch synthesis all showed a single peak curve change trend, and the peak appeared in 20 days after the heading Our results suggest that OsRSR1 plays a negative role in expression of the enzyme genes GBSSI, AGPL2, SSI, SBEIIb and ISAI of starch synthesis in grains and should be further investigated for quality breeding (C) 2018 Friends Science Publishers


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