Carbon quantum dots in-situ relieve humic acids inhibition on methanogens while significantly increasing the abundance of Methanosarcinaceae

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Liu, Qiang

作者: Liu, Qiang;Xu, Yuanting;Li, Yeqing;Chen, Shuo;Xu, Quan;Zhou, Hongjun;Liu, Qiang;Xu, Yuanting;Li, Yeqing;Chen, Shuo;Xu, Quan;Zhou, Hongjun;Xu, Chunming;Feng, Lu;Pan, Junting;Peng, Bo;Li, Yeqing


关键词: Carbon quantum dots; Humic acids; Anaerobic digestion; Microbial community; Interaction

期刊名称:JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION ( 影响因子:11.1; 五年影响因子:11.0 )

ISSN: 0959-6526

年卷期: 2023 年 419 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Monophenols form humic acids (HA) through polycondensation reaction in the anaerobic digestion (AD) process, which will inhibit AD process. Currently, metal ions are the option for in-situ relieving HA inhibition during AD, but excess metal ions are harmful to microorganisms. In this study, carbon quantum dots (CQDs, a non-metallic materials) were proposed to relieve HA inhibition in-situ. We investigated the effect of HA on AD acidification and methanation stage, and synthesized CQDs using sodium citrate (s-CQDs) and p-phenylenediamine (p-CQDs) as precursors to relieve the HA inhibition in-situ. Results showed that s-CQDs (3.0 g/L) significantly increased the cumulative CH4 yield from AD of ethanol with 1.0 g/L HA (1.9 times higher than that without s-CQDs). Microbiological analysis indicated the most dominant methanogen was Methanosarcinaceae, with richness of 89.7%. Compared to the HA inhibition system, the relative abundance of Methanosarcinaceae increased by 87.5%. The analysis of interaction mechanism between CQDs and HA indicated that s-CQDs has an in-situ binding effect to HA by reacting with-OH, C--C, and-COOH. This study provided a novel means for in-situ relieving HA in-hibition, and illustrated the interaction mechanism between CQDs and HA, which will guide the application in production of bioenergy.


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