Comprehensive analysis of carotenoids constituents in purple-coloured leaves and carotenoid-derived aroma differences after processing into green, black, and white tea

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Shi, Jiang

作者: Shi, Jiang;Wu, Wenliang;Zhang, Yongcheng;Peng, Qunhua;Wang, Jiatong;Xu, Lili;Yang, Gaozhong;Fu, Jianyu;Lv, Haipeng;Lin, Zhi;Wu, Wenliang;Baldermann, Susanne;Wang, Jiatong;Xu, Lili;Yang, Gaozhong;Lv, Haipeng;Lin, Zhi


关键词: Purple colouration; Carotenoids; Tea manufacturing; Green tea; Carotenoid-derive aroma

期刊名称:LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ( 影响因子:6.056; 五年影响因子:6.295 )

ISSN: 0023-6438

年卷期: 2023 年 173 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Carotenoids differentiate among tea cultivars and play role in contributing aroma flavor and colour appearance in tea products. In this study, 3 carotenes and 16 xanthophylls were accurately quantified of 0.79-1.56 x 103 mu g g-1 in 15 tea cultivars possessing leaves of different colours. Lutein and 0-carotene accounted for >80% of total carotenoids. Single carotenoid accumulation patterns and their correlations with chlorophylls and primary metabolites (amino acids, alkaloids, and saccharides) were elucidated. Tea processing (withering, 'kill-green,' fermentation, and drying processes) decreased tea carotenoids by >65%, promoting volatile apocarotenoid production. In total, 25 crucial carotenoid-derived aroma compounds were detected in green, white, and black teas prepared from purple shoots. Additionally, alpha/0-ionone and their derivates, and dihydroactinidiolide accounted for >50% of total volatiles and therefore explained the fruity aroma in purple tea products. A comprehensive integrative analysis of sensory attributes and volatile and carotenoid precursor dynamics clearly revealed patterns of tea carotenoid accumulation and degradation contribution to tea aroma.


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