Progress in Research on Rapid and Non-Destructive Detection of Seed Quality Based on Spectroscopy and Imaging Technology

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Wang Hong

作者: Wang Hong;Han Ping;Wang Kun;Wu Jing-zhu;Wang Hong;Han Ping


关键词: Seed; Near-infrared spectroscopy; Hyperspectral imaging; Non-destructive detection

期刊名称:SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS ( 影响因子:0.589; 五年影响因子:0.504 )

ISSN: 1000-0593

年卷期: 2021 年 41 卷 1 期


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Seed is an important means of production in the process of agricultural production. The quality evaluation, vigor and aging detection, purity and authenticity identification, classification and traceability are common problems in seed quality detection. Seed quality mainly includes the content of moisture, protein, fatty acid, starch, and so forth, which is the important indices of seed quality classification. Moreover, seed quality is related to the safety of storage. Seed vigor is the sum of seed germination and emergence rate, seedling growth potential, plant stress resistance and production potential. High vigor seeds are of obvious growth advantage and production potential. Seed aging refers to the natural decline of seed vigor, which is manifested by seed discoloration, low germination rate, poor growth potential and crop yield reduction. The purity and authenticity of seeds will affect crop yield and agricultural product quality. Seed classification and traceability is an important method to ensure the purity and identify the authenticity of seeds, by which, crop yield and product quality will be guaranteed. For seed quality analysis, it usually need to do irreversible destructive analysis on samples according to the traditional methods, which is time-consuming with complex procedures. It is obvious that traditional methods are difficult to meet the needs of modern agriculture for seed production. Therefore, it is an urgent problem to carry out the research on non-destructive and rapid detection technology of seed quality. In recent years, with the development of chemometrics and the progress of computer technology, near-infrared spectroscopy, with the advantages of fast, non-destructive and high efficiency, has been widely applied in the non-destructive and rapid analysis of agricultural products, food, agricultural inputs, and so on. In addition, combined with spectral and imaging technology, hyperspectral imaging technology is rising in recent years. Compared with the traditional spectral technology, hyperspectral imaging technology can acquire not only the spectral information of the sample but also the spatial distribution information and image characteristics of it. In this paper, based on the near-infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging technology, the literature of seed quality non-destructive detection from the aspects of seed quality evaluation, vigor and aging detection, purity and authenticity identification, classification and traceability research were reviewed. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of different detection technologies, the problems of seed quality detection are sorted out, respectively. Furthermore, the technical characteristics of non-destructive and rapid detection of seed quality are summarized and prospected.


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