Shifts in bacterial diversity, interactions and microbial elemental cycling genes under cadmium contamination in paddy soil: Implications for altered ecological function

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Li, Yuntao

作者: Li, Yuntao;Gao, Yan;Chen, Wei;Zhang, Weiguo;Lu, Xin;Li, Yuntao;Gao, Yan;Chen, Wei;Zhang, Weiguo;Lu, Xin


关键词: Cd contamination; Bacterial community; Bacterial interactions; Elemental cycling genes; Cd resistant bacteria

期刊名称:JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ( 影响因子:13.6; 五年影响因子:12.7 )

ISSN: 0304-3894

年卷期: 2024 年 461 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Cadmium (Cd) contamination has become an emergent environmental issue in agroecosystems worldwide. The impacts of Cd on microbial community and their ecological functional remain unrevealed. This study investigated the response of bacterial community and microbial ecological functions to Cd contamination in paddy soil of East China. Bacterial diversity and community structure significantly changed under Cd contamination. Proteobacteria and Acidobacteria were identified as biomarkers to indicate Cd contamination. The overall elemental cycling genes abundance was negatively correlated to soil Cd content. Acetyl-CoA synthesis, organic N mineralization, N fixation and nitrous reduction genes were especially sensitive to elevated Cd stress, resulting in loss of microbial derived soil C and N pool and increase in N2O emission potential. Bacteria interactions were sparser yet more competitive under Cd contamination. Cd resistant genera Massilia, Burkholderia, Streptomyces and Methylobacterium were essential to bacterial interactions via building connections with non-resistant species. Microbial Cd immobilization potential by urea hydrolysis was enhanced under Cd contamination, with Massilia being the keystone functional taxa involved in this process. Our study elucidated the ecological risks of altered microbial functions under Cd contamination in paddy soil, as well as the significance of Cd resistant bacteria to microbial community and ecological functionality.


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