Identification of LsLAZY1 gene in Leymus secalinus and validation of its function in Arabidopsis thaliana

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Li, Jialin

作者: Li, Jialin;Li, Hongmei;Kong, Mengmeng;Wang, Siqi;Yin, Ning;Hu, Linyue;Bermudez, Ramon Santos;He, Wenxing;Wang, Zenghui;Song, Chunying;Nie, Yanshun;Cong, Hanhan


关键词: Auxin transport; Leymus secalinus; LsLAZY1; Gravity response; Root development


ISSN: 0971-5894

年卷期: 2023 年 29 卷 6 期


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Root systems anchor plants to the substrate in addition to transporting water and nutrients, playing a fundamental role in plant survival. The LAZY1 gene mediates gravity signal transduction and participates in root and shoot development and auxin flow in many plants. In this study, a regulator, LsLAZY1, was identified from Leymus secalinus based on previous transcriptome data. The conserved domain and evolutionary relationship were further analyzed comprehensively. The role of LsLAZY1 in root development was investigated by genetic transformation and associated gravity response and phototropism assay. Subcellular localization showed that LsLAZY1 was localized in the nucleus. LsLAZY1 overexpression in Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) increased the length of the primary roots (PRs) and the number of lateral roots (LRs) compared to Col-0. Furthermore, 35S:LsLAZY1 transgenic seedlings affected auxin transport and showed a stronger gravitational and phototropic responses. It also promoted auxin accumulation at the root tips. These results indicated that LsLAZY1 affects root development and auxin transport.


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