Identification and functional characterization of safflower cysteine protease 1 as negative regulator in response to low-temperature stress in transgenic Arabidopsis

文献类型: 外文期刊

第一作者: Hong Yingqi

作者: Hong Yingqi;Lv, Yanxi;Zhang, Jianyi;Ahmad, Naveed;Li, Youbao;Nan Wang;Liu Xiuming;Yao Na;Liu Xiuming;Li, Xiaokun;Ahmad, Naveed;Ahmad, Naveed;Liu Xiuming;Li, Xiaokun


关键词: Cysteine protease; Expression analysis; Low-temperature; Safflower; Transgenic Arabidopsis

期刊名称:PLANTA ( 影响因子:4.116; 五年影响因子:4.316 )

ISSN: 0032-0935

年卷期: 2022 年 255 卷 5 期


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Cysteine protease (CP) is mainly involved in plant senescence and stress responses. However, the molecular mechanism of endogenous cysteine protease inhibition in plant stress tolerance is yet unknown. Here, we report the discovery and functional characterization of a candidate CP1 gene from safflower. The conserved structural topology of CtCPs revealed important insights into their possible roles in plant growth and stress responses. The qRT-PCR results implied that most of CtCP genes were highly expressed at fading stage suggesting that they are most likely involved in senescence process. The CtCP1 expression was significantly induced at different time points under cold, NaCl, H2O2 and PEG stress, respectively. The in-vitro activity of heterologously expressed CtCP1 protein showed highest protease activity for casein and azocasein substrates. The expression and phenotypic data together with antioxidant activity and physiological indicators revealed that transgenic plants inhibited by CtCP1-anti showed higher tolerance to low temperature than WT and CtCP1-CIE plants. Our findings demonstrated the discovery of a new Cysteine protease 1 gene that exerted a detrimental effect on transgenic Arabidopsis under low-temperature stress.


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